Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Malaysian Tales: Who is Wiser?

*This is a story from Kedah, Malaysia.

Once there was a wanderer by the name of Mat Lawi. One day he arrived at a village called Kampung Manggis.  In the village, lived two very naughty youths called Hasan and Husin. They were good friends.

   On seeing Mat Lawi, Hasan told Husin, "He looks like a stranger. Let's play a trick on him. We challenge him to a story-telling contest. If he loses, we will take all his money."
   "But what if we lose?" asked Husin.
   "Ah, but we will not lose. We can beat him," Hasan assured Husin. Together they approached Mat Lawi.

   "Sir, if you tell us a story, and we say that it is false, you win. We will then do whatever you say," explained Hasan.
   "If you say our story is false, we will win. You will then have to give us all your money," added Husin.
   Mat Lawi thought it over and agreed to the wager.

   "I will begin first," said Hasan. "While my mother was pregnant, she had a craving for jackfruit. I left her womb, brought some jackfruit and gave it to her."
   Mat Lawi considered this for a while. "Yes, the story is true," he replied.

   "Very well. Then listen to my story," said Husin. "When I was a week old, I climbed down the steps of the house. I went into the jungle where I encountered a huge tiger. Quickly, I hopped onto it and broke its neck."
   "Ah, your story is also credible," said Mat Lawi. The two youths started sweating.

   "Now, it's my turn to tell you a story." Mat Lawi started his story, "Not long ago, two young man were slaves in my house. But a short while ago, those two ran away. I have travelled to this village looking for them. I believe you two are the runaway slaves!"

   "Sir, you are lying. We were never your slaves!" cried Hasan.
   "Hahaha! Then you admitted that my story is false. It means you have lost. And you two have to come with me as my slaves," said Mat Lawi.
   "Oh please, Sir. Take pity on us," begged the two youths.
   "Why should I? You made the promise," said Mat Lawi.
   "Please forgive us, Sir," pleaded Husin.
   "I believe you two are very naughty and conceited. You must promise to throw away you mischievous act. Or else, I won't forgive you," said Mat Lawi.
   "We promise, Sir. We promise to never be naughty again," they promised to Mat Lawi. Feeling shamefaced, Hasan and Husin quickly fled from there.

Moral of the story: Be nice to everyone. Once you commit bad things, it will come back to you any time without notice.


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