Friday, August 6, 2010

hair bangs!

Good evening!
it's Hidayuki! (^ ^)v

I was treating my hair this afternoon...


I realized something:


I need to go and make an 'appoinment' to the barber shop soon~

wahahaha~~~~ ( ̄▽ ̄*)

but no worries....
I can still clip my hair!
о(ж>▽<)y ☆

still cute~ (‐^▽^‐)

just kidding! (^ε^)♪


♥ ~ First Poem~ ♥

Good evening!
it's Hidayuki! ( ^ ε ^ )

How do you do?
Hidayuki is well from the outside,
but not okay in the inside of Hidayuki... (T^T)

but nevermind that,
I want to share my poem here! (^ ^)

My Life as a Flower
by hidayuki

From the SEED of my parents,
I born as a young SPROUT.
With their pure love,
I GREW, hoping to be
a perfect FLOWER.

But before that,
I must get the WATER of education
and some LIGHT of hope
to grow.

That's why I go to school;
to do the PHOTOSYNTHESIS process,
a process where soon I will gradually
study more about my SURROUNDINGS
that will lead me
in my quest to be
a perfect FLOWER.


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