we're the same age, perhaps? meh... I'm not sure, but I'm sure we're still teenagers, ne? ;-)
Monday, January 31, 2011
what u think about our age ?
org kta memaki xbaik , tp mgapa org harus jg memaki ?
memaki itu memang x baik, sebab ia menunjukkan sikap kita yg kurang sopan. Orang yg memaki itu berpunca daripada ketidakwarasan seseorang itu dalam berfikir. Oleh itu, jgnlah memaki... adakah kamu mahu dikategorikan sebagai seorang yang tidak waras? (^_^)
my mummy say "ilygirl" . then i answered "ilymum" . so sweet .
eh.... pardon my absent-mind, but what does "ilygirl" mean? though I admit it is sweet... I love how you replied her! haha!!
Can i ask more question ?
sure... please ask as much as you want. I'll be happy to answer them all. (^.^)
hey im back :)
welcome back! it's been a while!
apa kebikan penggunaan Formspring, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr & Blogger ?
hmm... dapat meluaskan rangkaian seseorang. More networks, more connection! ♪(´ε` )っ
wow ! i have many question :) thanks
umm... you're welcome. (o.O?)
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Lagenda Sandakan bermula beberapa tahun sebelum Pryer. Kampung German yang dijadikan oleh Kaptain William Schuck berbangsa Jerman sebagai pangkalan perniagaan merupakan penempatan pertama, walaupun pada masa tersebut sudah ada beberapa orang Sulu yang menetap di sekitar laut berdekatan. Apabila Kaptain William Schuck mendapat sebuah pulau di kesultanan Sulu, maka Wiliam Clarke Cowie,seorang pedagang dan pelaut dari Scotland, telah mengantikannya. Penempatan ini menjadi pusat perniagaan senjata yang tidak berjaya. Beliau akhirnya mencari rakan niaga dari Kesultanan Sulu dan meninggalkan Kampung German.
>Pada masa yang sama Baron de Overbeck telah berjaya mendapatkan konsesi sebahagian wilayah Sandakan setelah bertemu dengan Sultan Sulu yang bernama Sultan Jamal Ui Alam. Keluasan ini bermula dari Sungai Sibuco (Sg. Sibuga) sehinggalah wilayah Sungai Padasan kira-kira 20,000 batu persegi. Menurut perjanjian tersebut, Baron de Overbeck akan membayar sebanyak $5,000 setiap tahun. Serentak itu juga, Baron de Overbeck diisytiharkan sebagai Dato Bendahara serta Raja Sandakan berkuatkuasa pada 1878.
Untuk mentadbir wilayah yang dimilikinya, de Overbeck telah menyerahkan pentadbiran dan pengurusan kawasan-kawasan ini kepada beberapa pegawai Inggeris yang dipercayainya. Antara orang yang dipercayainya ialah William Burgess Pryer. Bandar Sandakan mula berkembang apabila ia di tadbir oleh William B. Pryer pada 21 Jun 1879.
Apabila Pryer tiba di Kampung German dalam 1878, tugas pentadbirannya yang pertama adalah memperkenalkan satu undang-undang yang dikenali sebagai undang-undang cukai perdagangan bagi mengelakkan berlakunya eksploitasi perdagangan yang berlebihan. Rundingan terpaksa di buat bersama dengan pemimpin suku di kawasan tersebut. Akhirnya satu persetujuan di capai, cukai perdagangan telah diperkenalkan untuk keseragaman. Pembaharuan ini mendapat sokongan dan bantahan dari beberapa suku kaum, walau bagaimanapun Pryer berjaya mengatasi masalah ini walaupun berlakunya Peristiwa Timbong di mana Emaum Jelanee yang mengetuai suku kaum Bajau Laut telah menyerang Pulau Timbong. Bantahan ini berlaku kerana ia menyekat kebebasan berdagang.
Beberapa masalah seperti masalah lanun menyerang juga dapat diatasi oleh Pryer. Kemajuan, kestabilan perdagangan dan keamanan di bandar baru ini telah menarik minat pedagang asing seperti pedagang Cina serta suku kaum di Kepulauan Filipina.
Pryer juga berusaha memperkembangkan kekuasaannya sehingga ke kawasan Kinabatangan. Kawasan ini penting kerana hasil hutan dan hasil sarang burung di Gua Gomantong merupakan bahan mentah yang terkenal.
Dalam kepesatan pembangunan Kampung German akhirnya telah terbakar akibat kecuaian seorang penduduk Kampung bernama "Sabtu". Kebakaran tersebut telah memusnahkan seluruh kampung termasuk rumah Pryer sendiri. Keadaan ini telah menyebabkan Pryer dan penduduk Kampung berpindah ke satu kawasan baru yang terletak di muara teluk pada 18 Jun 1879. Kawasan ini dikenali sebagai Buli Sim-Sim (Booly Sim-Sim).
Pryer telah menamakan tempat ini ‘Elopura’ yang bermaksud “Bandar yang Indah”. Pryer menebang pokok yang pertama apabila menjalankan kerja-kerja pembersihan sepenuhnya kerana Buli Sim-Sim ketika itu merupakan kawasan hutan yang dipenuhi dengan pokok-pokok bakau.
>Menjelang tahun 1881, Elopura telah berkembang menjadi sebuah pekan yang di bina sebahagiannya di atas air. Jambatan-jambatan yang tidak berapa teguh di perbuat daripada nibong berfungsi sebagai jalan raya. Pada tahun 1882 terdapat lebih kurang 57 buah rumah dengan penduduk seramai 696 orang dan jumlah ini kemudian meningkat dari tahun ke tahun dengan komposisi komuniti Bajau, Cina, Sulu dan lain-lain. Terdapat seramai 30 orang Eropah, 3000 orang-orang Cina dan 3,000 pelbagai Cina.
Oleh itu, William B. Pryer merupakan orang penting dalam merintis pembangunan awal bandar Sandakan dengan penyediaan asas-asas polisi pentadbiran untuk diteruskan oleh pemimpin lain. Beliau meletakkan jawatan pada tahun 1890 dan secara langsung tidak lagi menjadi pengerusi “British North Borneo Development Corporation”.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Kii Project in AF9 Audition
Good evening, everyone!
This is Hidayuki.
How are you, my friends? I hope you're living up as I am now. (^_^)
Pardon me for not blogging much these days. I don't know how does it happened but I totally forgot that I have a blog to update! (*o*)
I'm sorry~ (>.<)
Anyway, I'm going to announce a good news about myself.. Believe it or not, I've submitted a video for Malaysia's Akademi Fantasia 9 audition yesterday!
It was a last minute work. The online audition was held on January 13th, 2011 - January 26th, 2011. However, I only discovered about this on January 23rd, 2011.
So, I choose a song from Akademi Fantasia 9 website on the next day, (Jan. 24th, 2011). And then, I started practicing on that song immediately! I lost hope on January 25th due to my failure to sing it well. But I decided to keep on working on it for the sake of my friends, and of course, for the sake of my dream - Kii Project.
But luck wasn't on my side... I submitted the application too late. The audition was closed.
I've finally recorded the song on January 26th, 2011 and went with the shooting of the video on the same day. One more problem that disturbs my confidence yesterday is the absence of one of my best friends, Neyna. (*o*) Neyna is my make up artist for most of my videos in Kii Project and since she was outstation yesterday, my other best friends and I had to carry on with the shooting due to the short time we had left.
Syaz and Fiyza... these two are the ones who helped me a lot in yesterday's shooting. Together, these two beloved BFF of mine worked hard on my make up and directing the video making. I made a lot of mistakes... we had to take 5 shots before it worked! Thank you very much for the strong support, my best friends!!
For now, I'll only share the video. I want to make behind the scenes of this video - what exactly happened yesterday until I have to take 5 shots for this single video. Until then, please enjoy the video. Hope you'll lik it.
Here's the video. I welcomed all comments and rating here and on Youtube. (^_^)
This is Hidayuki.
How are you, my friends? I hope you're living up as I am now. (^_^)
Pardon me for not blogging much these days. I don't know how does it happened but I totally forgot that I have a blog to update! (*o*)
I'm sorry~ (>.<)
Anyway, I'm going to announce a good news about myself.. Believe it or not, I've submitted a video for Malaysia's Akademi Fantasia 9 audition yesterday!
It was a last minute work. The online audition was held on January 13th, 2011 - January 26th, 2011. However, I only discovered about this on January 23rd, 2011.
So, I choose a song from Akademi Fantasia 9 website on the next day, (Jan. 24th, 2011). And then, I started practicing on that song immediately! I lost hope on January 25th due to my failure to sing it well. But I decided to keep on working on it for the sake of my friends, and of course, for the sake of my dream - Kii Project.
But luck wasn't on my side... I submitted the application too late. The audition was closed.
I've finally recorded the song on January 26th, 2011 and went with the shooting of the video on the same day. One more problem that disturbs my confidence yesterday is the absence of one of my best friends, Neyna. (*o*) Neyna is my make up artist for most of my videos in Kii Project and since she was outstation yesterday, my other best friends and I had to carry on with the shooting due to the short time we had left.
Syaz and Fiyza... these two are the ones who helped me a lot in yesterday's shooting. Together, these two beloved BFF of mine worked hard on my make up and directing the video making. I made a lot of mistakes... we had to take 5 shots before it worked! Thank you very much for the strong support, my best friends!!
For now, I'll only share the video. I want to make behind the scenes of this video - what exactly happened yesterday until I have to take 5 shots for this single video. Until then, please enjoy the video. Hope you'll lik it.
Here's the video. I welcomed all comments and rating here and on Youtube. (^_^)
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Sweet and Sour of My Brunei Trip 2: The Hardships
Good afternoon, my friends! Hidayuki here.
My second post about Brunei is about the hardships I faced while in Brunei. It's not that a serious one, I guess. One of the difficulties I faced is money... I didn't have any Brunei currency. (lol) (≧ ∇ ≦) And the other one is language. Bruneian speaks Malay language, just like Malaysians are. But the dialect is a bit different from Malaysians. Not to mention their informal way of talking (which I think combines a little with native Bruneian dialect) really took me seconds before I could understand what they were saying. ( ╹^╹)
It's a good thing my grandmother was there. So we (my cousins and me) don't really need to talk much. And thanks to that, I have learned a few words that they used in everyday language! (●´∀`●)
1. sira` = salt (garam)
2. audeh (or aude - not sure) = you (anda)
3. damit = small (kecil)
4. ani = this (ini)
that's all that I can list down. . . there is one phrase that I know. My grandmother (from Brunei) mention this, "Kenapa lai?" which I think means "What's wrong?" or something like that. But I'm sorry, I'm not sure what does 'lai' means. (^_^")
Oh! One more... when we took the bus on our way back to Malaysia, I saw the destinations of Brunei - B.S.B. (゚-゚;) I was wondering, What does B.S.B. means? But later, I found out that B.S.B. stands for Bandar Seri Begawan. ( ^∇^ )
Well, I only managed to learn a little about Brunei language. Although it's so little, but it's better than not knowing anything ne? ヾ( ⌒ー⌒ )ノ
My second post about Brunei is about the hardships I faced while in Brunei. It's not that a serious one, I guess. One of the difficulties I faced is money... I didn't have any Brunei currency. (lol) (≧ ∇ ≦) And the other one is language. Bruneian speaks Malay language, just like Malaysians are. But the dialect is a bit different from Malaysians. Not to mention their informal way of talking (which I think combines a little with native Bruneian dialect) really took me seconds before I could understand what they were saying. ( ╹^╹)
It's a good thing my grandmother was there. So we (my cousins and me) don't really need to talk much. And thanks to that, I have learned a few words that they used in everyday language! (●´∀`●)
1. sira` = salt (garam)
2. audeh (or aude - not sure) = you (anda)
3. damit = small (kecil)
4. ani = this (ini)
that's all that I can list down. . . there is one phrase that I know. My grandmother (from Brunei) mention this, "Kenapa lai?" which I think means "What's wrong?" or something like that. But I'm sorry, I'm not sure what does 'lai' means. (^_^")
Oh! One more... when we took the bus on our way back to Malaysia, I saw the destinations of Brunei - B.S.B. (゚-゚;) I was wondering, What does B.S.B. means? But later, I found out that B.S.B. stands for Bandar Seri Begawan. ( ^∇^ )
Well, I only managed to learn a little about Brunei language. Although it's so little, but it's better than not knowing anything ne? ヾ( ⌒ー⌒ )ノ
Sweet and Sour of My Brunei Trip 1
Hello everyone. This is Hidayuki.
So then, the first part of my trip to Brunei is... "The Unbelievably Long Journey!".
From Sandakan to Kota Kinabalu (KK), it took about 6 hours. Then from KK to Brunei... about 8 hours!
The route to Brunei is long when you take the land route. I don't know about the air route or the water route. I'm pretty sure it will be faster to reach Brunei by plane... but not sure about taking a ferry. The ferry would stop by in Labuan. So... I still don't know which one is faster or slower! (lol)
My journey was a very long one! 15 hours!!! (*o*)
1. From Sandakan to KK : We ride on our own car to KK. We set off at 5.00 am from Sandakan. Then at 6.00 am (or so), we stopped by at Telupid to... well... to do the thing. Hahah!! o(≧∀≦)o Then we continued to Ranau, where we stopped by to have breakfast at 8.30 am. After that, we carry on our journey to KK. We arrived there around 11.30 am.
We rested for 30 minutes, then went to Beaufort. We reached Beaufort around 3 pm. All I remembered, we finally stepped on the land of Brunei on nightfall. There were tons of immigration stations to go. We had to make sure we had all 8 stamps before we could land on Brunei.
The same goes to our way back home... I enjoyed the scenes on the land route to Brunei. But at the same time, I feel very tired!
So then, the first part of my trip to Brunei is... "The Unbelievably Long Journey!".
From Sandakan to Kota Kinabalu (KK), it took about 6 hours. Then from KK to Brunei... about 8 hours!
The route to Brunei is long when you take the land route. I don't know about the air route or the water route. I'm pretty sure it will be faster to reach Brunei by plane... but not sure about taking a ferry. The ferry would stop by in Labuan. So... I still don't know which one is faster or slower! (lol)
My journey was a very long one! 15 hours!!! (*o*)
1. From Sandakan to KK : We ride on our own car to KK. We set off at 5.00 am from Sandakan. Then at 6.00 am (or so), we stopped by at Telupid to... well... to do the thing. Hahah!! o(≧∀≦)o Then we continued to Ranau, where we stopped by to have breakfast at 8.30 am. After that, we carry on our journey to KK. We arrived there around 11.30 am.
We rested for 30 minutes, then went to Beaufort. We reached Beaufort around 3 pm. All I remembered, we finally stepped on the land of Brunei on nightfall. There were tons of immigration stations to go. We had to make sure we had all 8 stamps before we could land on Brunei.
The same goes to our way back home... I enjoyed the scenes on the land route to Brunei. But at the same time, I feel very tired!
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year 2011!

Hidayuki is here.
How do you do, dear friends? I've been away for a week, hasn't it? I missed blogging. (lol)

Well anyway, I guess it's not too late to wish you all Happy 2011! I've been through a lot in 2010... I hope to make more beautiful memories in 2011!
So then, I'm glad that I've managed to return safely to Sandakan before the end of 2010. I went to Brunei Darussalam on December 24th, 2010 for a family visit and returned to Sandakan, Malaysia on December 31, 2010 at 3.00 am! I want to spend my last moments of 2010 in my furusato (hometown).
It was my first trip to Brunei. I wouldn't say that the trip wasn't fun at all. It was fun! (First trips are always fun! lol) But I'm sure that if I had the chance to go to Brunei again, it will be better than the first trip.
I'm currently uploading my pictures of my trip to Brunei on Facebook. And I'll try to post a thing or two about the trip here as soon as possible. I encountered many things during my journey. Some are interesting...

Then... see ya!
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