Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Good evening, it's Hidayuki!

Hello, everyone. Hidayuki is posting a secret here!

Want to know what it is?

Well, it's nothing big... just a thought that I'm craving in my mind right now.
I have been attacked by problems again, so I thought I want to share a weapon of thought with my friends.

Someone asked me, "you looked happy despite the problems you had these days."
And I said,

"there's no use to chain myself with those problems. I only need a solution, a KEY to unlock myself from them. Every problem has a solution. You only need to find yourself your own KEY to UNLOCK the challenges of life. That way, you do not need to hang on anyone's back for mercy or help. Help yourself, then you can help others."

So, it's only 14 days left before my BIGGEST examination in high school.
SPM... SPM... SPM...

I admit, I've been stressed out lately, just to think that I'm going to sit for the exams.
So, I need to bit farewell to everyone on cyberworld.

Hidayuki is going OFFLINE to focus on my studies.
(why do I feel like I've said this before?)

Haha... anyway,
wish me luck on the exams!
See you guys on December 8th, 2010.

Hidayuki will be back!



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