Sunday, May 30, 2010

Today's Hajimete no Keiken... =_="

Title: Today's first experience... =_="

something in class caught my attention today. =_=

At first:
The weather this afternoon,
was sunny...but then,
it rains a little.

And then it went sunny back! =_=

As the sun came out,
the neighbour's dog barked at 'something' for quite a long time. @.@

My teacher told us...

"When there's a drizzle after a sunny weather
and then it becomes sunny back,
it means that there's the tall ghost
wandering somewhere around your neighbourhood."

"And if there's barking dogs it means that
the dog have seen 'the ghost'."

And so,
my grandmother told me to stay inside,
or just stay cool (if you're outdoor).
So that the ghost won't attack you.

I know it sounded mythical...
well, that's what my grandmother told me ^_^

I'll post the full story on my next post


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